Sorry, let me introduce you.   2022 is the year of new beginnings, seizing opportunities, deepening relationships, and achieving inner peace.  Here are the ABC’s of 2022:    Absorbing all that surrounds us.    Asking questions.    Ba

Sorry, let me introduce you. 

2022 is the year of new beginnings, seizing opportunities, deepening relationships, and achieving inner peace.

Here are the ABC’s of 2022:

  • Absorbing all that surrounds us.

  • Asking questions.

  • Baking for your friends (mine love my chocolate chip cookies!)

  • Buying yourself flowers.

  • Celebrating each win. No matter how small.

  • Cooking. Making the food you put into your body feels so good.

  • Crying to relieve tension and stress. There is absolutely no shame in this. Just grab a box of tissues.

  • Dancing by yourself in your mirror just because it’s fun.

  • Dreaming while your eyes are both opened and closed.

  • Drinking wine. Or tequila shots. It depends on the vibe, I know.

  • Driving both physically and metaphorically with no destination. Exploring is fun, guys.

  • Eating yummy things.

  • Exercising because damn does it feel good.

  • Focusing on yourself.

  • Forgiving those who have done wrong by you.

  • Gathering with those we love. (Make plans with whoever just came into your head while reading this).

  • Going out and getting dressed up.

  • Helping others because that’s what turns an average person into an awesome one.

  • Insisting on becoming a better person than you were yesterday.

  • Inspiring people with your words and your actions.

  • Joking around because what is life without laughter.

  • Knowing your worth and not letting any other human convince you you’re less than that.

  • Listening because we do not have all the answers no matter how old we are.

  • Looking into things you’re curious about.

  • Making new friends.

  • Noticing the little things.

  • Organizing your stuff. You schedule. Your life.

  • Partying. Definitely no explanation needed.

  • Photographing.

  • Quantifying your goals to make them achievable.

  • Reading in bed with a candle lit and a cup of tea.

  • Revising work, intentions, plans, statements… leave your ego in 2021, my friend. Everyone makes mistakes.

  • Running away from the people who say you can’t. Who cares what they think anyway?

  • Singing in your car because it doesn’t matter who’s watching.

  • Skipping the “I can’t” phase and grinding to get it done.

  • Sleeping. They say “sleep when you’re dead” But sleeping while you’re alive is cool too. I swear.

  • Smiling— frowning gives you wrinkles.

  • Texting people with the sole purpose to put a smile on their face.

  • Thinking. To write a paper or simply before words fall out of your mouth.

  • Throwing out shit you don’t need. This can be things or even people. It’s okay to get rid of clutter.

  • Trying new things.

  • Uplifting literally everyone. I don’t care if it is your best friend or the barista who just made you the best coffee ever.

  • Validating yourself and others.

  • Verbalizing how you feel.

  • Visualizing your aspirations and maybe one day you can look at it in real life.

  • Walking. Get outside and take a walk. I don’t care if its 30 degrees. Bundle up. You will feel good after.

  • Xplaining ourselves instead of leaving others guessing (I needed an X, please leave me alone).

  • Yearning for greatness… oh wait, you’re already great:)

  • Yessing our way through each day. Saying yes opens more doors than imaginable.

  • Zeroing in on becoming the most badass version of yourself you have ever been in your whole entire life.

Damnnnnn that’s a pretty cool list. So, if you’re wondering what I’m up to, it’s that. I’ll be working towards every single thing on this list and more. Some of us do these things already, I know I definitely do lots of things on this list. The key to a new year and working towards new goals is to keep the habits and behaviors we already know and love. There is always room for more. No reason to archive things if they’re working for you. 

If you have anything to add to the list, I would love to hear it!

Happy New Year, everyone! 2022 is going to be everything you make it.

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